Query String parameters

Service will parse URL’s query string section for parameters. HTTP header fields are not observed. Note, that some parameter values might contain characters whith special meaning in client’s environment. Follow the usual rules for encoding for your client.


Cutout is specified by a PublisherDID and a region of interest. It is always performed against one specific datacube per request. Request parameters are:

?pubdid=_string_&<any of the parameters used in search>

where pubdid is the PublisherDID returned in the response of the search and identifies uniquely the datacube to be cut.

The result of a cutout is a FITS file. Note that FITS file headers naturally encode rectagular regions, so even if the region specified in input is a circle, data corresponding to square which encloses the input circle is returned.

The generated cutout FITS files are always derived from the original so their Header- encoding follows the original FITS file encoding. From this, exception is only made if the original encoding was not fully compatible with the reference papers (E. W. Greisen, M. R. Calabretta, F. G. Valdes, and S. L. Allen : Representations of spectral coordinates in FITS, Astronomy and Astrophysics 446, 747…771 (2006)). Specifically, it is made sure that the cutout file always contains CUNIT3 for the velocity access and RESTFRQ keywords, even if the oriiginal files do not contain these keywords.

The URL to the generated cutout fits file is returned in XML response under code{<URL>} tag. Response also contains code{<CUT>} tag, which designates the original file and pixel coordinates of the cut.

The cutout service also accepts an optional parameter:

nullvals <has no value>

The presence of this parameter in the cutout URL will trigger counting of undefined values in the cut cube. The retunred XML will contain <nullValues> node givining total number of pixels, number of pixels which are undefined and for convenience a percentage value (calculated from the previous two).


The merging service is defined by sky- and optional spectrum-coordinates and a list of PublisherDID’s (separated by semicolon):


If the data covering those coordinates are stored in different FITS-files, the service will perform reprojection to a common space including eventual re-gridding. Finally it returns one FITS-file with data merged from several FITS-files.

Such functionality is possible only for consistent data. Data of a ‘sub-survey’ are considered consistent and so are mergeable. A sub-survey is defined by a triple:

sub-survey = survey + species + transition

So, for merge these parameters are mandatory.